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COVID-19 is Changing Real Estate Investing

COVID-19 and Real Estate Investing

COVID-19 and Real Estate Investing – Whether it is showing off a property or signing contracts, there is no doubt that real estate is a face-to-face business. Yet, as COVID-19 forces people to limit their social interactions, realtors are reinventing the way they do business. Using the telephone and apps like FaceTime, real estate agents…

Value Add Opportunity in Hagerstown

Value add opportunity, Off market 14 units apartment building west of Antietam street in Hagerstown, Seller will consider to finance the property for couple years at a very competitive rate giving you the opportunity to acquire an asset you always wanted without the hassle of a bank, quickly and painless without the need to deal…

March 2020 Housing Statistics

Realtors in Maryland are still adjusting to the current market conditions and trying to transact in the most responsible way and still safe trough this COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the latest Maryland monthly housing statistics reported by Market-Stats and Showing-Time Maryland REALTORS® publishes housing statistics monthly; they available through the association’s website,

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays – Wishing you peace, joy, and all the best this wonderful holiday has to offer. May this incredible time of giving and spending time with family bring you the joy that lasts throughout the year. Best Wishes from RG Realty and Roberto Gonzalez

Sold Another property

Sold Another property to a young investor, 5th property we closed this year, this time in Westminster Md. Therefore, I hope we close many more in the near future as you go along growing your real estate portfolio, best of luck to you on this and all other future endeavors, I hope I can be…

Best Areas for Real Estate Investors in Maryland

Photo of Baltimore inner harbor as a featured image for post about areas for real estate investors in Maryland

Despite being a tiny coastal state, Maryland is home to many urban, suburban, and rural areas. The state is dotted with smaller cities, with the most people concentrated in the I-95 corridor between Baltimore and Washington, DC. Due to the diverse geography and many different urban developments, Maryland offers much to prospective developers and investors. Maryland…

Sold Another Portfolio

Sold Another Portfolio

Sold Another Portfolio in Hagerstown– This 4- Unit Income producing rental portfolio consists of 4 single–family homes currently occupied by a long term tenants, located in a quiet suburban street, great curb-appeal with no city taxes. I wish buyer much luck and continue success in all the future endeavors. See you on the next deal! Interested in buying or selling Real…